Monday, December 30, 2019

5 Jobs That T-Rex Arms Cant Do (And the 1 Job That Fits Them Perfectly)

5 Jobs That T-Rex Arms Cant Do (And the 1 Job That Fits Them Perfectly)5 Jobs That T-Rex Arms Cant Do (And the 1 Job That Fits Them Perfectly)Heres to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. Heres to a wide-eyed tyrannosaur who didnt let the shortness of his T-Rex arms stand in his way to greatness. This is an inspiring story to keep in mind throughout the upcoming year.2017 was a tough year for tyrannosaurs all over the world. For decades, everybody saw them as the undisputed kings of the tyrant lizards. But everything has changed when a team of German scientists discovered that, in reality, they wouldnt be able to outrun a speedy human.Even worse, the discovery coincided with the outbreak of internet jokes about the shortness of T-Rex arms. No wonder that many a tyrannosaurus felt his world had turned upside down.He lost is all, only to climb to the top again and become President of the United States.On the other hand, such as tounding reversals of fortune often make for equally inspiring stories. And sometimes a poet may deem such story worthy of a song. Or a poem- like the one youll find below.Let us tell you a story about a T-Rex who had it all and lost it all. A king of the lizards who went from hero to zero, only to climb to the top again and become President of the United States.But what does a tyrannosaur have to do with your career, you ask? After all, this is a career blog known for delivering no bullshit content.The answer is- everything. This story can help you stay motivated throughoutthe upcoming year. Whenever youll feel disheartened, hopeless, or at your limits, remember how much you can achieve if you never stop trying. But without any further ado- here it is(Also, since nobody reads poetry nowadays, were attaching the illustrated version of the poem by Katka Koncova. Come on, click it to binnensee more)T-Rex Arms and the Perfect Job APoemWhen scientists discovered that T. Rex could never run,Spielberg told him straight away In my park, youre doneFor all his prey could suddenly outrun their former foeand the short-winded Tyrannosaurus saw he grew too slow.A film career in disarray and hunting attempts failed,another trade his sorry state had made him contemplate.But in a world that always wants more dexterous handymen,his tiny arms and hands would fail him time and time again.Instead of peoples faces, hed only photograph their crotch,and every single bad tooth aching he was too short-handed to touch.So when he saw that as a painter hed only master stripesHe took to the White House, alas, he had tiny armsPeople cheered as he was signing his first bill with a claw,From that day onwards they lived romm under dinosaurian law.Surprised by his newfound success, he threw a party toolate at night remembered something he always held as trueThough DJ-ing was something that his arms still couldnt do,those very arms, their unique charms, they helped him see this through.So if yo u feel like fit for nothing and your talents are fewsomewhere out there is a dream job waiting just for youDisclaimer THIS IS A JOKE. If you liked it and would like to see more fun content, check out ourUltimate Graduate Quiz Are you the right fit for McDonalds, KFC, or Subway?Theres a good chance you wont regret it.Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

What Should You Study in College

What Should You Study in College What Should You Study in College There isnt a lot that the average job binnenseeker can do to fix this, but there is one thing many experts agree on if you want to find a job in these difficult times, youre better off getting a college degree. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) found that between 2000 and 2013, the unemployment satz for individuals without a bachelors degree was generally higher than the rate for their peers with at least a bachelors degree. The NCES saw this pattern in a variety of demographics, including 20- to 24-year-olds, 25- to 34-year-olds, and 25- to 64-year-olds. You can delve into the actual numbers on the NCES page, but, suffice to say, the pattern exists. Generally, people who hold bachelors degrees are more likely to be employed than those who dont.We can say, then, that its better to have a degree than to not have one. Of course, getting a degree isnt that simple. Once youve enrolled in college, you ha ve to figure out what degree youre going to pursue. Usually, this choice is discussed in terms of two broad categories will you major in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) field, or will you major in the humanities?STEM vs. HumanitiesThose who argue that students should choose STEM often do so on the grounds that STEM fields are more practical and better for the economy. STEM majors, the conventional wisdom goes, contribute directly to the world with new advances in science and technology. STEM majors are more likely to get jobs, and their jobs have higher salaries, STEM proponents argue.Humanities fields, on the other hand, are impractical, divorced from the real world, and elitist. While STEM graduates are out creating new technologies to better our lives, humanities majors are reading fiction and writing impenetrable academic papers.STEM proponents often want to see funding to humanities programs cut in favor of the STEM fields (see Florida governor Rick Scotts plan to shift public money away from the humanities and into STEM programs. His reasoning If Im going to take money from a citizen to put into education then Im going to take that money to create jobs. So I want that money to go to degrees where people can get jobs in this state).Unlike some of the big-name STEM supporters, humanities proponents dont generally disparage their opponents as useless. After all, its pretty hard to argue that technological improvements dont make the world better. What humanities proponents do argue, however, is that their fields are not elitist and divorced from reality. The Stanford Humanities Center asserts that the humanities teach students to think creatively and critically, to reason, and to ask questions. These skills lead to new insights into everything from poetry and paintings to business models and politics. As such, the humanities contribute just as much to society they just contribute in different ways than the STEM fields.(Note that not all STEM supporters view the humanities as useless. As MIT professor Deborah K. Fitzgerald writes, some may be surprised, and, I hope, reassured, to learn that here at MIT - a bastion of STEM education - we view the humanities, arts, and social sciences as essential, both for educating great engineers and scientists, and for sustaining our capacity for innovation. Of course, if everyone shared this belief, there would be no debate. And, as we saw with Gov. Scott above, some powerful STEM proponents reject this sort of thinking, in favor of a much less nuanced approach to education.)A False DilemmaAs frustrating as this debate has become for both sides, we dont need to be having it in the first place. I cite Prof. Fitzgerald above, and it should come as no surprise that her comments are not some idealistic cant-we-all-just-get-along? pleading. The terms of the STEM vs. humanities debate are significantly warped, especially on the side of STEM proponents like Gov. Scott (note it should also come as no surprise that many of the people who would have you believe the humanities are useless are not, in fact, involved in STEM or academia in any significant way.)As higher-ed journalist Lynn OShaugnessy points out, the belief that STEM majors are more economically successful than their humanities counterparts is largely unfounded The Chronicle of Higher Educationsic wrote an exhaustive article on the subject of the STEM employment advantagein which the author interviewed experts across the country and shared research on whether STEM majors enjoy an employment advantage. According to the article, most independent researcher say the answer is no.Forbes contributor John Ebersole calls attention to another problem with the STEM vs. humanities debate the very terms of the debate are terribly muddled. It turns out that we dont have a clear, consensus definition of who counts as a STEM worker. Different studies of STEM workers, operating with different definitions, result in entire ly different estimates of the size of the STEM workforce.Lacking an agreed upon definition of a STEM job, writes Ebersole, it becomes obvious that the calculation of a shortage or overage of supply to demand is nearly impossible to defend. Additionally, of the Commerce Departments 7.6 million STEM workers, 4.3 million or more than half dont have a degree in a STEM field.The last sentence is especially important not only are calculations of the STEM workforce flawed, but a significant chunk of STEM workers dont even hold STEM degrees.(Tells us again, Gov. Scott, how dire it is for us to fund STEM programs to the detriment of the humanities.)Even more damning to the STEM supremacistsare the findings of a Michigan State University (MSU) study which concluded that STEM graduates who own businesses or patents received up to eight times more exposure to the arts as children than the general public. STEM and the humanities really do seem to work together for the benefit of society. It seem s the STEM vs. humanities dilemma may, in fact, be nonsense.What Should You Major In?I wrote all of this in the hope that I could help assuage the fears of present and soon-to-be students. Stuck in the middle of this loud and somewhat acrimonious public debate, many ask themselves What should I major in? Do I follow those who tell me Ill never get a job or contribute to society without a STEM degree? Are the humanities even a viable option?It turns out that deciding what to major in is pretty easy choose a field that you find exciting, invigorating, and enjoyable, and pursue it.As weve seen, the STEM fields dont have all of the advantages that some claim they have, and the humanities are not at all useless or out of touch.Whats more, Inside Higher Ed reports that nearly three-quarters of business leaders say it is more important for job candidates to be well-rounded with a range of abilities than to have industry-specific skills. Most business leaders value broadly applicable skills like written communication and problem-solving over specific skills obtained through applied training.These broadly applicable skills are skills that students can learn in any field. People pursuing their degrees need not worry about what they major in. They only need to worry about developing their skills in the context of a field that they enjoy.

Friday, December 20, 2019

The best answer when an interviewer asks what animal are you

The best answer when an bewerbungsinterviewer asks what animal are youThe best answer when an interviewer asks what animal are youIn a job interview, you have to be prepared to answer any question - even curveballs like, what kind of animal are you?UhhhPopular creative interview questions like this one are meant to see how quickly interviewees can think on their feet. How you answer also indicates to employers how well you know your own strengths and weaknesses.Related from LaddersHow to answer 5 of the toughest interview questionsDont say these 5 types of words during a job interviewHeres how to be less anxious while waiting to hear back about a jobHeres the secret to acing a question like this It doesnt necessarily matter what animal you pick, but how you sell the animal to your employer.When HootSuite CEO Ryan Holmes asked his executive assistant in her interview, what kind of spirit animal are you? her answer was a duck a bird that is calm on the surface but always has its webbe d feet hustling underneath the water.We all have our preferences. I think I would pick a resilient animal like a cat. Im curious, my career hasnine lives and the times Ivefallen, Ive always landed on my feet.Sometimes, your inner animal can mean a lotRelating our rollealities to animals has a long history, and is especially popular in science fiction series.Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials series is an example. In the popular fantasy series, every person is born with a daemon, an animal that is the physical manifestation of a personsinner self. Our inner animals are a feature of many stories of heroic journeys, from Harry Potter - in which the advanced Hogwarts students can conjure a patronus, or protective animal - to The Golden Compass.As Jerry the able seaman told the young protagonist of The Golden Compass, theres plenty of folk asd like to have a lion as a daemon and they end up with a poodle. And till they learn to be satisfied with what they are, theyre going to be fretfu l about it.Ive researched some animals for you and I to use as answers the next time an employer asks you, what animal are you?One note about what not to pick Predators like hyenas and snakes carry stigmas of treachery, so be prepared to explain your scales and reveal your spots if you choose those. Former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson felt close to snakes and tarantulas as well as hawks and other raptors - which, for most job interviews, can signal too intense a predatory vibe.If you are social, choose bonobosDo you want to hund for sales in a pack? Maybe you are a wolf, a fish in a school, or an Orca in a pod.Animal behavior can be powerfully inspirational. Friendly manatees, the potatoes of the sea, have no natural predators.Female bonobos apes are known for ruling through matriarchy. The females in this primate species form coalitions with each other that make them stronger than bigger males - likethe Obama administration who purposefully amplified each others voices When a woman made a key point, other women would repeat it, giving credit to its author. This forced the men in the room to recognize the contribution - and denied them the chance to claim the idea as their own.If you are a researcher, think hounds or dolphinsI would like to think I am a beagle as a journalist, always sniffing out my next story. Hound dogs think with their nose first and are excellent trackers a good animal to be if you have a job where you need to sift through large amounts of data.Another popular answer if you want to emphasize not only your smarts but your teamwork and your ability to find your way dolphins.If you area leader, find your inner wood frogYou could pick a lion, but choosingthe king of the animal kingdom isexpected and boring.Be a collie, the mountain rescue dog of choice, ready to swoop in and save the company from questionable business models.Are you the mediator of your team of different personalities? You could share heart of a chimpanzee that will init iatereconciliation after fights. Or you could be a survivor of hard times like the hearty wood frog of Alaska that can survive long winters of being literally frozen.If you want to highlight your intelligence parrotsAfrican Grey Parrots are the most intelligent parrot species. They love thinking through hard puzzles and get dangerously bored without that stimulation.Or you could be an octopus, able to form complex mental maps, regenerate lost limbs or rewrite your RNA as well as perform dramaticescapes from aquariums.If you have a long memory and keen intelligence, you could answer that you are an elephant. With your long life and years of experience, you plan on outlasting your competition.Whatever animal best represents your career, have fun with it. Choose a metaphor that will explain your journey to where you are now.As a career expert told BBC News, remember that the interviewer is more interested in how you get to an answer, versus what the answer might be.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

2019 List of Top 5 Google Docs Resume Templates

2019 List of Top 5 Google Docs Resume Templates2019 List of Top 5 Google Docs Resume TemplatesWhile this in-depth guide will help you choose the right google docs resume template, our experts have prepared templates which will help you to create your resume in no time. Our resume builder has content for more than 100 professions written by industry experts to get you more interviews. You can use the code HIRATIONBLOG50 at checkout to get a 50% discount. All the bestHeres a short list of how to make your Google Docs ResumeUse reverse chronological foramt to write your resume.Write professional summary in case of 3+ years of experience.Opt for objective section if you are an entry-level professional.Quantify your resume points for greater impact.Go for 1 page resume in case of less than 10 years of experience.Design is thinking made visualBuilding a resume starts with the search of a perfect template that fits your job description.Choosing the perfect template is a tedious job. Some pe ople prefer a modern and trendy design while others like to keep it simple. The thinking and effort that is genuinely spent weeds out candidates pretty easily.You need to stand out from the herd and for that you need a stellar resume as well.And who does it better than Google?If you like Googles design and simplicity all in one, these google doc resume templates are for you.Professionals at Hiration have built 20+ customized resume templates for your profile. Check out our Online Resume Builder here. Build your resume nowIn this blog deutsche post ag we will cover the following topicsGetting started with Google Docs Resume TemplatesGoogle Docs is simply another awesome service by google. Searching through the drop down templates menu, you can find several Google Drive Templates.And the best part is that they are all FREEStep 1Go to Google Drive and select new document.or simply go to https// 2On Google Drive, select New ? Google Docs ? From a templateOn Google Docs, select New ? From a templateYou would come across windows like thisStep 3Choose your best Google Docs Resume Templates from the scroll down menu. Go with itQuick Tip If you are not able to see the Google doc resume templates, you should change your Google Drive display language into English.This can be done in your Google Drive Settings the following wayMy Account ? Account preferences ? Language Input Tools ? Choose Language ? editThen, just choose English from the drop-down list.SwissThis is a very minimal double column google resume format in Google Drive Templates.The andeutung of blue in a simple font adds a sleek look to the google doc resume template. The google docs resume template contains a lot of white spaces and a black and white combination font It can be used for free.Key featuresfreeminimaldouble columnblue subheadingscombination fontsblack and white spacesCoralThis is a modern single column google resume format in Google Docs Resume Templates.The red i s used in headings, giving it an actual Coral look. The simple font style adds to the trendiness of the google doc resume template. It contains a black white spaces and a combination font It can be used for free.Key featuresfreesingle columnminimalred subheadingscombination fontsblack and white spacesSerifThis is a professional yet modern google resume format in Google Docs Resume Templates. It is essentially a single column format but with separated headings.The subtle red hue used in this google doc resume template is combined with the black and white text fonts. The google docs resume template is fit for professionals and uses combination fonts It can be used for free.Key featuresfreeprofessionalred subheadingsessentially single columncombination fontsblack and white spacesSpearmintThis is quite a refreshing google doc resume template for the green lovers This google resume format in Google Drive Templates has a touch of tropical green. It is a single column format that adds gre enery to your resumeThe google doc resume template contains a lot of white spaces and a black and white combination font It can be used for free.Key featuresfreesingle columnminimalgreen subheadingscombination fontsblack and white spacesModern WriterThis is typical google docs resume template for all the writers out there The typewriter look exhibited by this google resume format in Google Doc Resume Templates. is unmistakably good.The touch of red in a simple bold font adds a boldness to the google docs resume template. There are a lot of white spaces and a black and white combination font It can be used for free.Key featuresfreeminimalsingle columntypewriter fontred subheadingscombination fontsblack and white spacesQuick TipsTo sum it all up, we have got a quick Google Doc resume template Checklist for youGoogle Docs offers amazing download-able google docs resume templates that can be used for FREEPick the google doc resume template that works best for youFormat your google resum e well from the various editing options available in the Google Docs.Do not forget to have a look at the 2018 Resume Tips Must Read List of Dos and Donts for your ResumeAnd you are good to goFor any doubts or queries, give us a shoutout in the comments

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Lillian Moller Gilbreth

Lillian Moller Gilbreth Lillian Moller Gilbreth Lillian Moller GilbrethLong before the days of womens lib, Lillian Moller Gilbreth (1878-1972), a distinguished industrial psychologist, engineer, and mother of 12, welches the original superwoman. Although an accomplished professional credited with many academic and industrial firsts, including kitchen and household appliance designs, it was as the role model for the highly intelligent, quirky mother in the popular movie Cheaper by the Dozen that she is probably most widely known.Born in 1878 in Oakland, CA, to parents of German descent, Lillie, as she was named at birth, grew up in a well-to-do, Victorian-style family. A shy girl, she came into her own academically in high school and persuaded her father to let her attend college. When as a female she was allowed to speak at her University of California commencement, it was the first of many firsts. She went on to obtain a masters and a doctorate degree in psychology.With a keen insig ht into human behavior and strong empathy for individuals, she, together with her husband, Frank Gilbreth, studied scientific management principles and pioneered many industrial management techniques. While her husband, due to his construction management background, was concerned with the technical aspects of worker efficiency, Lillian, a name she adopted as an adult, was especially interested in the human element related to the workplace.Lillian Gilbreth with husband Frank Gilbreth.Partners in work and life, the two had 12 children and applied their passion for efficiency and productivity in industry to their own household. Their experiments included detailed analyses of motions to help find faster and mora efficient ways to wash dishes, brush teeth, and perform other such tasks. These were chronicled, sometimes humorously, in two books about their family life by two of the children when they were grown. Later, they were made into movies, including Cheaper by the Dozen.After Frank Gilbreths sudden death in 1924, Lillian Gilbreth, left to raise 11 children under the age of 19, continued their work on her own. She became the first female professor in the engineering school at Purdue University, the first woman elected to the National Academy of Engineering, the second woman to join the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (after Kate Gleason) and the list continues. Until 2005, she was the only woman awarded the prestigious Hoover Award, jointly bestowed by five leading engineering organizations recognizing great, unselfish, non-technical services by engineers to humanity.In addition to being dubbed the mother of modern management even though the extent of the significance of her contributions in shaping the development of applied psychology has only recently been recognized by scholars, she has also been called a genius in the art of living. zu sich work as a consultant to corporations applying psychology to solve problems in areas such as office equipment , household appliances, hospitals, and sports led to her coming up with new designs and inventions to make work and life easier. For example, two of her most well-known inventions were the shelves inside refrigerator doors, including the egg keeper and butter tray, and the foot-pedal trash can. She also filed patents on an improved electric can opener and the wastewater hose for clothes washers. As an industrial engineer working at General Electric, she interviewed over 4,000 women to design the proper height for stoves, sinks and other kitchen fixtures as she worked on improving kitchen designs.In addition to consulting and corporate work, she taught college and university courses at Bryn Mawr, Newark College of Engineering, Rutgers University, and the University of Wisconsin. She was appointed a resident lecturer at MIT in 1964. A world traveler, lecturer, and prolific author, she also served as an advisor to at least five U.S. presidents on civil defense and womens issues. She re ceived mora than 20 honorary degrees and several prestigious awards and was included in American Men of Science, Whos Who of American Women, and Notable American Women The Modern Period.When she died in 1972, only a few years after retiring, she had proved that women can have both a fulfilling career and enriched family life.Nancy Giges is an independent writer.It was as the role model for the highly intelligent, quirky mother in the popular movie Cheaper by the Dozen that she is probably most widely known.

Friday, December 6, 2019

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Overleaf Resume Templates and How to Avoid It

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on Overleaf Resume Templates and How to Avoid It Overleaf Resume Templates - Is it a Scam? Fortunately, free resume templates are available which can improve your chances Free resume format examples are a very good place to get started. You are likely to locate many different free resume templates that you find it possible to pick from. You will locate a lot of different free resume templates to pick from. Every word in your resume ought to have an objective. Job searching is never enjoyable and can be frustrating occasionally. If youre looking for the most effective free resume templates on the internet to begin on, all you will need to do is to Google for it or even take the ones that you have on Microsoft Word or any typical word processing program. Put down the vital things and it should only have a page. Most websites will just require that you download the template. If youre searching for a free resume template its probably likely to be in your very best interest to take what you like from a couple of different examples and, create your own customized resume template that youll be in a position to easily merge with your present content. Theres a handy search box in which you put in your keyword and it pulls up every appropriate template on the site. Many employees wind up feeling that their existing employers find it impossible to offer what they are interested in and proceed to scan the marketplace. References are an important portion of the hiring process and employers request them for quite a few explanations. When youre looking for work, you are aware that you will need to prepare a curriculum vitae which is what you will pass on to prospective employers that you would like to work for. Hence, you can select the iverstndigung im strafverfahren job resume templates when youre in need of any. On searching it online, you will find the list of templates for the particular position. You might be the ideal candid ate for the job, but when your resume isnt written correctly, your probability of showing your expertise are extremely slim. If you wish to locate a new job, the net is a valuable resource. There are numerous job sites offered for you to select from, along with job search tools referred to as job finders. Most employers wont even provide a messy resume the good time of day since therell be better resumes they can look over. If you dont have a great deal of experience, be realistic concerning the salary you are searching for. Customized Your Resume There are several unique kinds of jobs that folks are applying for. Attempt to reveal the employer why youre an acceptable candidate, why you stick out from the remainder of the crowd and the reason why they can depend upon you. Top Overleaf Resume Templates Choices Many web sites online can be extremely beneficial in offering up free resume templates that are offered for download and just have to have your private information fille d in. Templates are available on the internet and theyre freely downloadable. There are a lot of websites offering free resume template with no watermarks or logos inside them. A frequently accessed website is going to have a greater search engine ranking. You have to tell the reader exactly why you would like to work for them. Many are easy to use, just fill-in-the-blanks and your resume is prepared to print. If references can be supplied, then they might be mentioned. Resumes should be simple for the reader to follow.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

What a Candidates Social Media Behavior Says about Them - Spark Hire

What a Candidates Social Media Behavior Says about Them - Spark HireLike it or not, a candidates social media presence should certainly impact your overall opinion of them during the hiring process. Irresponsible social media behavior could end up causing your business an issue down the road should you choose to hire this individual. When youre taking a peek at how this candidate expresses their opinion online, heres what you should keep in mindIts okay to show some partiealityShowing some personality online isnt a badeanstalt thing. Particularly if youre hiring for a social media role, you want someone who can create social media content that has a unique and engaging voice. People dont want to read boring tweets that sound as if they were generated by a machine. If your candidate is quirky or funny or nerdy online, thats great.Its okay to express an opinionSome hiring managers are hesitant to make an offer to a person who expresses their opinion on social media platforms, but doing so doesnt necessarily mean that person is reckless online. Its okay to have an opinion about issues, as long as these opinions dont include spouting off derogatory speech about certain groups of people. They also shouldnt be laced with profanity. However, before you extend an offer to someone who seems to have their fair share of opinions, youll want to make sure that they understand that these opinions should remain on personal accounts only and arent appropriate for company pages.If they seem like all they do is party, theres probably some truth to thatPosting a few pictures or statuses about going out with friends is great. However, if every photograph or tweet discusses getting sloppy drunk, you may want to rethink your decision to hire this person. You want someone who has fun, not someone who has to be the life of every party. If its clear that the persons only interests include discovering the bottom of a bottle, it may be time to reconsider that offer letter.Yes, spelling a nd grammar do matter, even on social mediaSure, we all fire off a tweet too quickly and make a typo. It happens. But if you notice that someone is constantly mixing up their and there or misspelling basic words, these are definitely candidate red flags. Good grammar, proper punctuation, and accurate spelling count, even online. Failure to pay attention to these matters could indicate a more serious problem with good writing skills.How do you evaluate your candidates online presence? Share with us in the commentsImage Twin design/

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Simple Ways to Job Search With Simply Hired

5 Simple Ways to Job Search With Simply Hired5 Simple Ways to Job Search With Simply HiredWhether youre just starting out in yur job search or have been on the employment market for longer than youd prefer, you probably feel the pain and frustration that accompanies the process of finding that perfect, Goldilocks worthy, career fit. From recruiters to company websites to the last ditch effort of scouring the white pages, the overload of information and wild goose chases on the way to a quality position can be the stuff of nightmares. If this sounds familiar, youve come to the right place. Simply Hired scours, aggregates, and sorts hundreds of thousands of job from across the internet, turning employment horror stories into tales of employment success. Ready to make the job hunt easier? Here are five simple ways to job search with Jobs by LocationIf youve spent any time using Google or a similar internet search tool, youre more than ready to start discovering job oppor tunities on Simply Hired. Simply type your city, state or zip code into the search kasten and hit enter for a wealth of options and open positions. Searching for jobs outside of the U.S.? Not a problem. Simply Hired has opportunities in a variety of exciting locales worldwide. Jobs By Keyword or CategoryLooking for a specific job title such as graphic designer, lawyer, or civic planner? With Simply Hireds keyword search feature, youll be connected with more matches than you can shake a stick at. If youre a little more indecisive about the specific title, use the Category option to browse listings grouped into broad common fields. Jobs at Specific CompaniesAre you the type who have had their eyes on a specific company since their grade school days? Want to work for the up and coming software company youve heard so much about or wondering whether the marketing firm of your dreams has any openings? Simply click on the Browse Job Listings and scroll to the Company section to locate tha t employer youve been dreaming of. Jobs in Specific IndustriesPerhaps you havent narrowed down a specific company or job title, but love the idea of working in a particular industry. Simply Hired has you covered. Whether its mining, engineering, mathematics, textiles or more, simply head on over to the Browse Job Listings and click on the Industry link to start sifting through endless possibilities. Customized Email AlertsSometimes there simply arent enough hours in the day to spend scrolling through job listings. If youre short on time, use one of the above tools, or a customized search, to set up a job alert. Set your keyword, location, salary range and more into a custom search. Simply click Email Jobs Like This to Me (located in the upper left corner) and let the open positions come to you. Enter your email address to have a daily delivery of relevant jobs delivered directly to your computer, phone or other mobile devices.Simply Hired was designed with one goal in mind to simpl ify the job search process. We take pride in the ability of our tools to connect employers in need of quality talent with candidates looking for their next big opportunity. We love to read success stories of making connections that make a real difference in the lives of our users. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and find the job of your dreams on Simply Hired

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Inspirational Dream Job Quotes That Will Motivate You

Inspirational Dream Job Quotes That Will Motivate YouInspirational Dream Job Quotes That Will Motivate YouThese dream job quotes will help you find inspiration as you work toward your career goals. Dream Job Quotes Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true.Ralph Waldo Emerson Your persistence is your measure of faith in yourself.Unknown Goals are new, forward-moving objectives. They magnetize you towards them.Mark Victor Hansen Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity.Oprah Winfrey If you are facing in the right direction, all you need to do is keep on walking.Buddhist Saying Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.Abraham Lincoln It wasnt raining when Noah built the ark.Howard Ruff There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.Colin Powell Those who are the fruchtwein persistent, and work in the true spirit, will invaria bly be the most successful.Samuel Smiles I have spent my days stringing and unstringing my instrument while the song I came to sing remained unsung.Rabindranath Tagore It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, Always do what you are afraid to do.Ralph Waldo Emerson Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.Pope John XXIII When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.Napoleon Hill No matter what youre doing, try to work at that task like its your dream job. Russell Simmons Finish each day and be done with it. you have done what you could some blunders and absurdities have crept in forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.Ralph Waldo Emerson You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.Woodrow Wilson I will never quit. I persevere and thrive on adversity ... If knocked down, I will get back up every time.The US Navy Seals Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.King Solomon What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.Ralph Waldo Emerson If you cant fly, run. If you cant run, walk. If you cant walk, crawl. But by all means, keep moving.Martin Luther King, Jr. The only goal you cant accomplish is the one that you dont go afterVilis Ozols The difference between can and cannot are only three letters. Three letters that determine your lifes direction.Remez Sasson The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive.Albert Einstein Getting paid to sleep ... thats my dream job.Unknown Better to have spent a life reaching for a dream that never came true, than to have slept through a life that never had a dream.Samantha Pickreign Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep, for every dream precedes the goal.Pamela Vaull Starr Be careful what you water your dreams with. Water them with worry and fear and you will produce weeds that choke the life from your dream. Water them with optimism and solutions and you will cultivate success. Always be on the lookout for ways to turn a problem into an opportunity for success. Always be on the lookout for ways to nurture your dream.Lao Tzu The biggest mistake that you can make is to believe that you are working for somebody else. Job security is gone. The driving force of a career must come from the individual. Remember Jobs are owned by the company, you own your careerEarl Nightingale

Make achieving your goals a team sport Heres why and how

Make achieving your goals a team sport â€" Here’s why and how Make achieving your goals a team sport â€" Here’s why and how A person’s success typically isn’t the result of superhuman feats. It’s the outcome of doing the things anyone can do - though most of us just don’t. As a point in fact,  92 percent of people who set New Year’s goals don’t achieve them.